COBRAS was recently allowed to future-proof their existing workplace for one of the largest Belgian archaeology/restoration companies. This company positions itself as an authentic employer, considers its own people crucial and wants to invest in them. Hence the link with us.

Ambition document

We started with a kick-off meeting with management, followed by a focus group with 8 company employees. This resulted in a baseline meeting that we started working on internally.

The result is an advisory report for the short, medium and long term, drawn up according to our HEART model. We take into account Happy culture - Energizing workplaces - Agile leadership and organization - Redesign the employee journey - Technology. By going through all these different steps, we can create a custom design. If we then take the right materials into account in the design blueprint – in this case, many earth tones – we hit the nail on the head every time. This is archeology and restoration 2.0!